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BBVA has taken a firm step toward the future by expanding its Data University program, which now features new courses on generative artificial intelligence (generative AI). As part of the agreement signed with OpenAI, the bank is calling on its employees, from data scientists to any other member of the team, to apply the latest advances in AI, machine learning and advanced analytics in developing innovative financial products. BBVA’s Data University has already impacted more than 50,000 employees in 6 years, of whom nearly 5,000 have completed specialized courses. BBVA is also looking to strengthen its educational ecosystem through partnerships with prestigious institutions such as the University of Navarra, Telefónica and Coursera.

24 Jul 2024

The Iberian Peninsula is on the cutting edge of Europe’s cleantech revolution. It is believed that the industry will create some 2.65 million new jobs and mobilize €150 billion in investment across the region by 2030. These impressive figures are revealed in a new report headed up by BBVA and Cleantech for Iberia, a coalition set up to drive the potential of Spain and Portugal as a clean energy hub in the European Union.

21 Jul 2024

Online courses promoted by universities, business school training and even materials offered by technology giants are some of the ways to learn to master artificial intelligence. Beyond programming, AI professionals can receive training in other areas, such as computational linguistics and ethics. Thanks to this trend, Europe currently has over 120,000 professionals who are highly qualified to work in AI.

19 Jul 2024

18 Jul 2024

Six young students from Colombia and Peru, the children of vulnerable entrepreneurs served by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, met with the Queen of Spain after winning the college scholarships granted by the foundation and BBVA in Colombia. These scholarships cover tuition and academic costs for the young students until they finish their studies. It is an opportunity for them to have a better future for themselves and their families.

10 Jul 2024

BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila stated that in the fight against climate change, "Mexico is at an advantage as it is one of the countries with the most potential  in the world in wind and solar power." He also emphasized the Group's commitment to the country's energy transition.  “We must do more to support emerging markets. They have the most natural resources and are therefore a key part of the solution," he proclaimed at the opening of the 2nd BBVA Mexico Sustainability Summit held in Mexico City.

05 Jul 2024


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With 96 percent of votes in favor, the shareholders have given “their overwhelming support to the capital increase needed to extend our offer to Banco Sabadell shareholders,” BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila said. During his speech, he said that this combination will allow the bank to gain scale and undertake the necessary investments in technology required to compete at a global level. Today “marks a very important milestone to move ahead with the most attractive project in European banking,” he underlined at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting this Friday in Bilbao.

26 Jun 2024

BBVA and Malta Inc. (“Malta”), a pioneering company in electro-thermal long-duration energy storage solutions, whose corporate goals align with the advancement of decarbonization using innovative cleantech, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This agreement lays the groundwork for a strategic partnership aimed at developing innovative financial solutions to support the deployment in the Iberian Peninsula of Malta’s first-of-a-kind (FOAK) energy storage project. It´s a pioneering cleantech collaboration announced at Breakthrough Energy Summit in London

21 Jun 2024

The President of the BBVA Foundation, Carlos Torres Vila, championed the power of knowledge during the ceremony for the 16th BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. Knowledge is the key to solving the problems we are experiencing as a society, at a moment when humanity is going through an unprecedented wave of disruption and faces the challenges of climate change, he said.

20 Jun 2024

“BBVA is a great ally for Spanish companies as they take on their sustainable transition and international expansion,” remarked Javier Rodríguez Soler, Global Head of Sustainability and CIB at BBVA. His presentation was part of the 41st Seminar organized by Spanish financial press association APIE and titled ‘The role of businesses in the new economy’, being held in Santander. “At BBVA, we support and accompany our clients, and not only multinational firms, but also those companies that need more specific advice to help them continue to grow,” he said.

The EIB Group (European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund) has invested €377 million in the ¨BBVA Consumer 2024-1¨ securitisation fund. This investment will enable BBVA to channel nearly €800 million into the real economy to finance energy efficiency projects and new mortgages for highly energy-efficient homes. The operation also includes financing for projects to boost the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps in Spain.

19 Jun 2024

13 Jun 2024

11 Jun 2024

Garanti BBVA Digital Assets, the first initiative of Garanti BBVA Financial Technologies Inc., is now offering crypto wallet service on its mobile platform. This marks the first time in Turkey that a bank subsidiary has developed and implemented a crypto currencies wallet with its own resources. Garanti BBVA Digital Assets now allows customers to transfer and store bitcoin (BTC), Etherum (ETH) and USD coin (USDC) assets on its mobile platform, Garanti BBVA Crypto.

10 Jun 2024


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On July 5th, BBVA will hold an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to approve a capital increase and thus move ahead with the process to purchase Banco Sabadell. BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila spoke to the bank’s shareholders in this video, in which he reminded them that this capital increase will not require them to make any disbursements. Furthermore, he stressed that “the combination of both banks will strengthen our position and scale in the Spanish market, giving us greater efficiency and profitability.” In his message, he emphasized that the operation “represents clear value creation” for the shareholders of BBVA and Sabadell, but also for customers, employees and society as a whole.

05 Jun 2024

The BBVA CEO indicated this Wednesday that creating value is the bank’s main priority and guides the way in which BBVA manages its business. At an investors conference organized by Goldman Sachs in Madrid, Onur Genç said that BBVA’s commitment to optimal capital allocation is what distinguishes the bank from its peers in the markets where it operates.

04 Jun 2024

03 Jun 2024

BBVA has received the 'Alcance 3.0' award for the 'Best Comprehensive Scope 3 Emissions Reduction Strategy'. This award, presented by the CPOnet Group, recognizes the efforts of organizations that help reduce emissions in their value chain: suppliers, customers, employees, partners, shareholders and society.

30 May 2024

BBVA is expanding its intermediate emission reduction targets for 2030 to two new sectors: the real estate sector in Spain and the global aluminum industry. They join the list of targets for eight emission-intensive sectors previously set by the bank (oil & gas; power generation; automobile; steel; cement; coal; aviation and shipping).

BBVA's decarbonization targets: What do they mean and what is their scope?

29 May 2024

BBVA tapped the market this Wednesday with a €1.75 billion senior preferred debt issue, structured in two tranches. Demand was double the final placement, with orders reaching €3.5 billion. The first tranche, with a three-year maturity (June 2027), closed at a rate of three-month Euribor +45 basis points (versus an initial price of three-month Euribor +70 to 75 basis points). The second tranche, with a six-year maturity (June 2030), closed at the mid-swap rate + 75 basis points, versus an initial price of mid-swap + 100 basis points.

27 May 2024

22 May 2024

After years at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI)-based research and projects, BBVA has taken another big step forward in the use of generative AI in its main markets. Not only has it prioritized around 100 projects to be developed with various tools that employ this new technology, it has also signed a strategic agreement with OpenAI —the creator of ChatGPT— to start deploying this cutting-edge tool among its employees. The aim is to explore, in a safe and responsible way, how generative AI can expedite processes, improve productivity and foster innovation thanks to its abilities to create text and images and process information, among other features.

17 May 2024

“In recent years, we have been increasing our business in key sectors while reducing their emissions,” said the Global Head of Sustainability and CIB at BBVA, Javier Rodríguez Soler. “We set decarbonization targets for eight key sectors and are reducing the absolute and relative emissions of these sectors. And we are doing so while increasing our financing business with these clients,” he stated at the Institute of International Finance (IIF) European Summit in Paris.

14 May 2024

Digital channels have become the main way banks interact with their customers, both to check information and to carry out any kind of transaction. In this context, biometrics are gaining ground as they are a safe way to verify that customers are who they say they are. “At BBVA, there are over 40 use cases on a group level in which customer identity must be identified by biometrics, one of the most secure ways to prevent fraud,” said Natalia Ortega, Global Head of Financial Crime Prevention at BBVA.

09 May 2024

BBVA’s Board of Directors is presenting an offer to Banco Sabadell shareholders so they can benefit from an exceptionally favorable proposal. The deal offers one BBVA share for every 4.83 of Sabadell, representing a 30 percent premium over the closing price of both banks on April 29th, and a 50 percent premium over the weighted average prices of the past three months. The transaction has very positive financial impacts thanks to relevant synergies and the complementarity and excellence of both banks. The operation will create one of the best banks in Europe, with a loan market share close to 22 percent in Spain. Furthermore, BBVA will maintain its current shareholders distribution policy and its commitment to distribute any excess capital above 12 percent.

06 May 2024

Payments infrastructure company EBA CLEARING successfully completed the first pan-European proof of concept for the R2P (Request To Pay) service. This digital messaging service is designed to streamline collection processes and can help boost instant transfers and electronic billing in the region. BBVA and seven other multinational payment service providers took part in the trial. They proved capable of exchanging payment requests in milliseconds.

30 Apr 2024

29 Apr 2024


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The BBVA Group started 2024 with very positive results: Net attributable profit reached €2.2 billion in the first quarter, up 19 percent from a year earlier (+38 percent at constant exchange rates). Earnings per share rose at an even higher pace, 23 percent yoy. These figures are the result of bolstering activity -lending grew 9.5 percent yoy in constant euros- and the outstanding performance of recurring income, which increased 19 percent yoy (+27 percent in constant euros). Additionally, between January and March, BBVA added 2.8 million new customers, 67 percent of them digitally; and channeled €20 billion in sustainable business.

22 Apr 2024

19 Apr 2024

17 Apr 2024

15 Apr 2024

12 Apr 2024

“Decarbonization is a technological revolution that requires innovation and financing. Its scope is global and it will affect all industries and sectors,” said Antonio Bravo, Global Head of Sustainability Strategy and CIB at BBVA. In the framework of the Energy Tech Summit, which ended yesterday in Bilbao, Bravo emphasized “the key role” of financing new clean technologies. “BBVA is committed to financing cleantech to facilitate its growth on an industrial scale,” he stressed.

10 Apr 2024

09 Apr 2024

BBVA is sponsoring the Energy Tech Summit, Europe's largest conference on innovation and investment in climate technologies and cleantech. More than 1,000 attendees from 40 countries including startups, investors, companies and government representatives will participate on April 10 and 11 in this event to be held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. The forum aims to connect and amplify the impact of new cleantech technologies in the fight against climate change.

08 Apr 2024

07 Apr 2024


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In the fifth chapter of BBVA Greenfluencers we share with you the experience of the international fund/asset manager Amundi, which began its journey towards sustainability years ago, convinced that ESG criteria would be the future of finance. Meet Yerlan Syzdykov, Global Head of Emerging Markets at Amundi Asset Management, who explains how Amundi assesses the ESG risks and opportunities emerging in Latin America.

01 Apr 2024

BBVA contributed a record €7,668 million in own taxes in 2023 across all the countries in which it operates.  A further €5,950 million was also collected from third parties, making a grand total of €13,618 million in taxes, the highest tax contribution ever recorded by the bank. In Spain alone, BBVA paid a total of €1,191 million in its own taxes. With third-party taxes included, the bank contributed €3,384 million to the public treasury. This effort reflects BBVA's commitment to the social and economic well-being of the countries within its footprint and its strong support for local economies.

27 Mar 2024

BBVA has received the new Single Resolution Board’s MREL regulatory requirement, which establishes the buffer the bank must maintain to absorb losses. Starting today, the bank’s own funds and eligible liabilities must represent 22.79 percent of the total of risk weighted assets of its European resolution group (which includes the holding, BBVA S. A. and its subsidiaries in Europe). BBVA already meets this requirement.

BBVA Global Wealth Advisors, Inc. (BBVA GWA), the U.S. subsidiary and registered investment advisor (RIA) of Madrid-based BBVA, has selected BNY Mellon's Pershing as its clearing and custody provider. BBVA GWA’s advisory clients will access broker-dealer services from Pershing Advisor Solutions (PAS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of BNY Mellon. PAS is an SEC-registered broker-dealer, member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA), and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

25 Mar 2024

BBVA ‘Aprendemos juntos 2030’ is debuting the second season of ‘Desafios’ (Challenges), the program in which Generation Z talks about its challenges. In the seven years since it was launched, the global project has surpassed three billion views and has over eight million followers.

21 Mar 2024

20 Mar 2024

In the past two years, BBVA added 7,187 professionals in the data and technology field to its workforce - a figure it plans to increase in 2024 with 2,700 new hires. Of this amount, 1,225 will take place in Spain for the bank’s headquarters in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona. Technology talent has become a key aspect of the Group’s digital strategy.

19 Mar 2024

15 Mar 2024


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Carlos Torres Vila, Chair

  • Impact on society: “In 2023, we increased our positive impact on all countries where we operate”.
  • Shareholder distributions: “We are proposing to the AGM the distribution of more than €4 billion, 50 percent of the annual net attributable profit”.
  • Future outlook: “In 2024, we will continue to grow profitably, creating opportunities for everyone”.

Onur Genç, CEO

  • Earnings: “Our performance puts us at the top of the European banking industry in activity growth, profitability and efficiency”.
  • Customer-focused: “We will continue focusing on our strategy based on innovation and digitization, which will allow us to offer a better service to our customers”.
  • Team: “The excellent earnings we are presenting are the result of the work of more than 120,000 employees who are part of BBVA”.

In 2023, BBVA had great achievements financially and also in terms of value creation for all of its stakeholders. “BBVA’s ability to combine growth and profitability sets us apart from our competitors,” said Chair Carlos Torres Vila at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), held Friday in Bilbao, in northern Spain. During his speech, he predicted that following a record year for BBVA in profit and impact on society, “2024 will be even better.”

14 Mar 2024

11 Mar 2024

Luisa Gómez Bravo has been CFO of the Group since September 2023. She recognizes that the first few months in her new role have been very intense. After all, the Finance unit is responsible for the Group’s financial planning and monitoring, for capital, for managing liquidity and structural balance sheet risks, for relations with the Group’s investors and shareholders, and many other functions. After a historic 2023 in financial terms, Gómez Bravo predicts that 2024 will be another great year for BBVA. This will be possible, she maintains, thanks to the Group’s structural strengths:  leading franchises in high growth markets and a strategic focus based on the opportunities provided by innovation, digitization and sustainability. And these focal points have been the main drivers of the bank’s growth. “BBVA’s ability to combine profitability and growth is unique in the European banking sector and it sets us apart from our competitors,” she stressed.

08 Mar 2024

BBVA closed 2023 reporting good progress in decarbonizing its credit portfolio. Improvements in plan delivery reached 24 percent in key sectors —such as oil and gas— for which 2030 targets were set. As of December 2023, 80% of the finance portfolio in high-emission sectors relates to clients actively managing their transition, according to the latest TCFD report published by the bank.

07 Mar 2024

The global financial services group Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) signs a Strategic Whole Portfolio Agreement with Cisco. The agreement gives BBVA access to Cisco’s full software portfolio, world-class technology and Customer Experience (CX) services, supporting the bank’s digitization journey. Five-year agreement enables BBVA to integrate continuous innovation into daily operations, enhancing speed, agility, and offering the latest in digital financial services.

06 Mar 2024

05 Mar 2024

This Tuesday, BBVA placed US$2 billion in a senior debt issue structured in two tranches: a five-year senior 'preferred' bond and an 11-year senior 'non-preferred' bond. 1,000 million dollars have been placed in each tranche, thanks to a very high demand, which has reached 6,500 million dollars, thus tripling the final amount placed. The closing price in both sections has been very competitive. The senior preferred bond has closed at T+125 basis points (compared to an initial price of T+150 basis points), while that of the 'non-preferred' senior has been fixed at T+190 basis points, below the T+215 basis points of departure.


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A strong performance in 2023 and forward strides in strategy driven by digitization, innovation and sustainability enabled BBVA to continue to play a key role in the transformation of the economy and create opportunities for all its stakeholders: customers, shareholders, employees and wider society.

04 Mar 2024


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BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila speaks to the bank’s shareholders in this video commemorating the upcoming Annual General Meeting in Bilbao. In his message, he emphasizes BBVA’s growth in 2023 - in terms of customers, business, results and profitability. This growth has made it possible for the bank to increase its positive impact, and to continue creating opportunities for all of its stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders and society as a whole. Furthermore, he stressed BBVA’s total distributions to shareholders, which surpassed €4 billion in 2023, or half of the bank’s earnings from the year. The BBVA Chair expects 2024 to be another great year for the bank, combining growth and profitability.

01 Mar 2024

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) filed on March 1, 2024 with the Securities and Exchange Commission BBVA´s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The Annual Report can be found on BBVA’s Investor Relations website in the section dedicated to Financial information 2023.

New clean technologies, or 'cleantech,' will play a key role in the decarbonization of the economy. To make this possible, however, the private sector must make a firm commitment to the sustainable agenda, leading to decisive, long-term investment in firms that develop clean technologies. These were the points emphasized by speakers at the 3rd BBVA Sustainability Forum, which the bank held in the auditorium of Ciudad BBVA, Madrid, Spain, with a livestream feed. 'Opportunity' was a key word in almost every speech.

BBVA is to start on Monday, March 4th, a new share buyback program for €781 million, having received the necessary clearance from the European Central Bank. The buyback is part of shareholders’ regular distributions for 2023. In total, BBVA will distribute €4.01 billion (50 percent of the net attributable profit from last year) to its shareholders, including the dividend and this share buyback program.

29 Feb 2024

BBVA widens its sustainable business with a global finance unit that will focus on cleantech innovation, announced BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila at the 3rd BBVA Sustainability Forum, held Thursday at the bank's headquarters in Madrid. The specialized team, based in New York, London and Madrid, will offer lending and advisory services.

28 Feb 2024

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards in Economics, Finance and Management has gone to Partha Dasgupta (University of Cambridge) for his work on the interaction between economic life and the natural environment. This research gave rise to environmental economics and “provided a framework for green accounting which is now widely adopted for measuring sustainable development,” the award committee noted.

26 Feb 2024

23 Feb 2024


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“By definition, companies need to push profits. The good news is that there are already some technologies that work and are profitable”, remarks Javier Rodríguez Soler, Global Head of Sustainability and CIB at BBVA. In a recent interview with Brendan Wallace, CEO of Fifth Wall, Rodríguez Soler explains BBVA’s commitment to investing in companies that research and develop sustainable technologies that champion the decarbonization of the economy.

22 Feb 2024

21 Feb 2024

19 Feb 2024

15 Feb 2024

The Turkish central bank recently granted Garanti BBVA an operating license for its new subsidiary, Garanti Payment and Electronic Money Service, Inc., effective February 15, 2024. The innovative new company will begin offering a selected group of customers a beta version of its digital payment solutions under the TAMİ brand in March.

14 Feb 2024

07 Feb 2024

Japanese researcher Takeo Kanade has received the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Information and Communication Technologies category for developing the algorithms that underlie the current capabilities of computers and robots in comprehending and interpreting visual images and scenes. His work has enabled key technologies such as self-driving vehicles, robotic surgery and facial recognition systems, and has revolutionized the broadcasting of sports events.

06 Feb 2024

BBVA’s Board of Directors is to propose the appointment of two new members, Cristina de Parias, (as external board member) and Enrique Casanueva (as independent). They both have extensive experience and expertise in banking, having held top positions in financial institutions in key markets for BBVA. Furthermore, the female representation at the Group's Board will now increase from six to seven women, of a total of 15 members (47 percent), while the number of independent members will remain a majority, at 67 percent.

02 Feb 2024

31 Jan 2024

The research undertaken by Mexican ecologists Gerardo Ceballos (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and Rodolfo Dirzo (Stanford University) in Latin America and Africa has shown that the current species extinction rates in many groups of organisms are much higher than throughout the preceding two million years, according to the committee of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology.

On Wednesday of this week, BBVA placed €1.25 billion in a 12-year Tier 2 subordinated debt issue, with a call option at seven years. The market response has been excellent, with demand reaching nearly €6 billion, five times the amount ultimately allotted. The price was set at mid swap + 240 basis points, significantly below the starting price (mid swap + 275 basis points).

30 Jan 2024


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In 2023 the BBVA Group added 11.1 million new customers and increased lending nearly 8 percent yoy. The bank also channeled €70 billion in sustainable business, exceeding the €200-billion mark since 2018. BBVA posted a record net attributable profit of €8.02 billion in 2023, up 22 percent yoy (+35 percent in constant euros)¹. Recurrent earnings per share rose even more, 27 percent, driven by share buybacks executed in 2023. BBVA will pay a cash dividend €0.55 per share against 2023 earnings², 28 percent more than in 2022, and will launch a new share buyback program for €781 million³. In total, BBVA will distribute more than €4 billion to its shareholders.

¹Recurrent net attributable profit growth, excluding in the comparison the net impact of the purchase of offices from Merlin in Spain in 2022 (€-201 million).
²Of this amount €0.16 per share was paid in October as an interim dividend against 2023 earnings. The additional payment of €0.39 per share is subject to the approval of the governing bodies.
³Pending approval from the governing bodies and subject to mandatory regulatory approval.

BBVA Earnings 1Q24

Garanti BBVA announced its 2023 earnings. The bank’s net income for the year stood at TL 86.91 billion, total assets reached TL 2.20 trillion and the loan portfolio of cash and non-cash loans was TL 1.61 trillion. Deposits remained the main source of funding, representing 73 percent of the bank’s total assets with TL 1.6 trillion. This represents an increase of 77 percent in 2023. Garanti BBVA’s capital adequacy ratio was 16.5 percent,* return on average equity (ROAE) was 44.5 percent and return on average assets (ROAA) was 4.9 percent.