Garanti BBVA presents new innovative solutions for businesses and SMEs
The Payment Systems Department (GÖSAŞ) at Garanti BBVA is developing innovative solutions to meet the new needs of both businesses and SMEs while streamlining their digitization process.

Murat Çağrı Süzer, Director of Payment Systems (GÖSAŞ) at Garanti BBVA, and Sibel Kaya, Executive Vice President of Garanti BBVA, explained Garanti BBVA's banking strategy for SMEs and the services that will make it easier for companies to incorporate e-commerce.
Sibel Kaya emphasized that the needs and priorities of SMEs have changed with digitization´s push. “Digitization is extremely important now, and especially after the pandemic we have suffered. It is necessary that SMEs give it priority if they want to continue with their activity.” She pointed out that companies currently need support and guidance in very different areas, both financial and non-financial. “We want to offer solutions and protect the financial health of SMEs, guide them and facilitate their business activity and the lives of their employees. For this reason, we provide the capabilities that allow companies with Garanti BBVA POS to access the products and services necessary to obtain sustainable profits, regardless of their size.”
Murat Çağrı Süzer added that “the pandemic has changed consumer preferences and payment systems. Throughout this process, collaborations in e-commerce and innovative payment solutions have become very important.” Through the mediation of different collaborations, Garanti BBVA and GÖSAŞ present innovative products and services for the new needs and priorities of customers that will offer solutions and create value in their business processes.
In addition to their Virtual POS system, they have also developed a code payment solution that makes it easy to receive payment remotely. The Negocios con Garanti platform enables their merchants and SMEs to better analyze their customers, spot trends, create their own discount campaigns and obtain perks. “Now, we´ve added value to all proposals, uniting them in the same program with the launch of the Business Partners Program, which will allow businesses and SMEs alike to enjoy the privileges of having Garanti BBVA POS, as well as benefit from the financial opportunities that facilitate cash flows and payments,” said Çağrı Süzer. “We believe that thanks to this program our commitment to creating sustainable value for Garanti BBVA POS´s business partners stands. And the program will be continually evolving.”
Garanti BBVA´s New Business Partners Program
Thanks to the new GÖSAŞ-designed Business Partner Program, available to Garanti BBVA customers, an average of 20 offers are sent each month to POS customers with business credit cards that include perks and discounts of up to 3,000TL a month. The program offers exclusive discounts on business partners´ and SME´s favorite brands, as well as discounts of up to 50 percent for companies that will receive support in their transition to e-commerce solutions. Interest-free debt deferrals of up to 10,000TL are also available, as well as cash advances of up to 5,000TL to POS customers with business credit cards.