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Results> Awards 15 Feb 2024

Garanti BBVA CEO named one of Türkiye’s '50 Sustainability Leaders'

Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ has secured the top spot among finance executives and seventh place overall in the latest annual "Türkiye’s Sustainability Leaders" ranking, published by the Turkish franchise of leading business magazine Fast Company.

Recep Baştuğ, CEO de Garanti BBVA_opt

The jury’s evaluation of 149 senior executives across several industries found that Baştuğ's leadership in sustainability achieved the highest impact across the country’s entire financial sector.

BBVA’s Turkish country unit developed over 50 sustainability-focused products and services, and recently raised its commitment to sustainable financing to 400 billion liras by 2025, which aligns with the BBVA Group's global €300 billion target.