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15 Jul 2021

BBVA has launched a digital tool in Spain that provides SMEs and the self-employed with a simulator to find out if they are eligible for direct aid from the Spanish Government under Royal Decree Law (RDL) 5/2021. The assistance package is aimed at protecting the productive fabric in the sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. By entering the details of their business activity, customers and non-customers can find out if they meet the requirements for accessing the aid, the amount they would receive and how to apply. Thanks to this solution, small businesses will be able to carry out a preliminary assessment and anticipate an application for aid.

21 Aug 2018

05 Jul 2018

17 Dec 2017

Argentina’s small and medium sized enterprises, despite being pummeled by taxes and struggling to access credit, managed to survive the collapse of consumption. Now, they are gearing up to capitalize on the improving economic outlook, thanks to the lending and tax measures that the government will roll out in short to encourage them to invest. Four our of every 10 companies say they intend to do so.

13 Sep 2016

03 Aug 2016

18 Apr 2016

Just when we thought we were getting used to the millennials, a new generation has arrived that is better prepared and technologically-savvy. They were born after 1995 and are known for having a more realistic view of the world. Are we ready for the new Generation Z?

21 Jan 2016