The Center for Financial Education and Capability has already secured support from more than 500 experts to conduct its activities. Both the quality and the quantity of experts and collaborators regularly involved in the Center’s activities attest to the success of the initiative, which launched two years ago.
Sustainability and Responsible Banking
Sustainability and Responsible Banking
BBVA Compass Sales and Service Advisor Rebecca Alexis has “nothing but veterans” in her family. It’s one of the biggest reasons she allocates so much of her professional and personal time helping them with her financial expertise.
BBVA Compass today announced that the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta rated it “Outstanding” for CRA performance for its most recent examination period encompassing 2015 to 2017. The bank achieved “excellent performance” for community development lending and investments, and “high satisfactory” for service, which would translate to an overall “Outstanding” rating.
Between 2016 and 2022, BBVA will reach a milestone of supporting almost half a million young people gain access to the job market, primarily though its worldwide entrepreneur programs. The bank, together with 20 other large global companies at the World Economic Forum in Davos, launched Global Alliance for YOUth, an initiative representing a collective effort to provide young people with the knowledge and skills they need for the jobs that society calls for. To this end, the project aims to help six million young people improve their skills so they can take part in the new working environments.
Japan and Spain, the countries with the world's highest life expectancies lag furthest behind when it comes to retirement planning, according to a study prepared by insurance company Aegon International. The experts warn about the enormous challenges posed by an aging population and the risks associated with not saving for the future.
The 9th Edition of Spain Investors Day united 43 listed companies and major investors in a forum that discussed socially responsible investment for the first time. BBVA participated in the round table discussion on the topic.
Dear team:
I am writing to you in relation to the recent pieces of news that are affecting us so much. Everyone at BBVA is shocked by the information reported which started on January 9. These pieces of news link BBVA to the monitoring or interception of private communications. If true, it would be undoubtedly extremely serious, deplorable behavior, radically opposed to what we are and what we stand for, and, ultimately, to the values of BBVA that move us every day.
For the ninth consecutive year, BBVA Compass once again sponsored the AFP Aware community service project, a campaign where the annual AFP Aware conference gives back to the region where the conferences is held.
BBVA Compass announced Thursday that it will provide financial relief for clients directly impacted by the current federal government shutdown.
What do you get when you cross a group of agile-trained bankers with a community food bank project? A record-breaking day.