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19 Aug 2024

19 Jul 2024

05 Jul 2024


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With 96 percent of votes in favor, the shareholders have given “their overwhelming support to the capital increase needed to extend our offer to Banco Sabadell shareholders,” BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila said. During his speech, he said that this combination will allow the bank to gain scale and undertake the necessary investments in technology required to compete at a global level. Today “marks a very important milestone to move ahead with the most attractive project in European banking,” he underlined at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting this Friday in Bilbao.

04 Jul 2024

Tomorrow, Friday, July 5th at 10:00 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST), BBVA will hold the 2024 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. The bank has proposed to its shareholders the capital increase needed to carry out the share exchange with Banco Sabadell. This capital increase will entail the issuance of new BBVA shares, which will be given to the Banco Sabadell shareholders who accept the offer. No payments will be made by BBVA shareholders.

21 Jun 2024

The President of the BBVA Foundation, Carlos Torres Vila, championed the power of knowledge during the ceremony for the 16th BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. Knowledge is the key to solving the problems we are experiencing as a society, at a moment when humanity is going through an unprecedented wave of disruption and faces the challenges of climate change, he said.

20 Jun 2024

The EIB Group (European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund) has invested €377 million in the ¨BBVA Consumer 2024-1¨ securitisation fund. This investment will enable BBVA to channel nearly €800 million into the real economy to finance energy efficiency projects and new mortgages for highly energy-efficient homes. The operation also includes financing for projects to boost the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps in Spain.

13 Jun 2024

09 May 2024

BBVA’s Board of Directors is presenting an offer to Banco Sabadell shareholders so they can benefit from an exceptionally favorable proposal. The deal offers one BBVA share for every 4.83 of Sabadell, representing a 30 percent premium over the closing price of both banks on April 29th, and a 50 percent premium over the weighted average prices of the past three months. The transaction has very positive financial impacts thanks to relevant synergies and the complementarity and excellence of both banks. The operation will create one of the best banks in Europe, with a loan market share close to 22 percent in Spain. Furthermore, BBVA will maintain its current shareholders distribution policy and its commitment to distribute any excess capital above 12 percent.

29 Apr 2024


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The BBVA Group started 2024 with very positive results: Net attributable profit reached €2.2 billion in the first quarter, up 19 percent from a year earlier (+38 percent at constant exchange rates). Earnings per share rose at an even higher pace, 23 percent yoy. These figures are the result of bolstering activity -lending grew 9.5 percent yoy in constant euros- and the outstanding performance of recurring income, which increased 19 percent yoy (+27 percent in constant euros). Additionally, between January and March, BBVA added 2.8 million new customers, 67 percent of them digitally; and channeled €20 billion in sustainable business.

27 Jul 2023

Luisa Gómez Bravo will be the new CFO of the BBVA Group. She currently is the Global Head of Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB), the group’s wholesale banking unit. Gómez Bravo will replace Rafael Salinas Martínez de Lecea, who is stepping down from his executive duties after a successful career with the bank spanning over three decades. He will continue to be involved with the Group as a board member of Garanti BBVA. Furthermore, the current Head of Sustainability, Javier Rodríguez Soler, takes on the additional role of Head of CIB.

28 Apr 2023

BBVA has channeled 150 billion euros in sustainable business from 2018 to March 2023, half of the €300 billion target set for the 2018-2025 period. Nearly 14 billion euros was mobilized in the year's first quarter, an increase of almost 20 percent compared to the same period in 2022. “Quarter after quarter we are making good progress towards achieving our sustainable business goal for 2025,” said Javier Rodríguez Soler, BBVA’s Global Head of Sustainability, commenting on these results.

05 Sep 2022

Students, teachers, doctors and researchers; micro-entrepreneurs, farmers and small business owners; artists and NGO volunteers... Millions of people around the world are benefitting from BBVA's social initiatives to build a better world for themselves and those around them. Their stories will be featured in the ‘Creating Opportunities Together’ initiative, a project through which the bank plans to raise awareness and recognize an effort that frequently goes unnoticed.

29 Apr 2022


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BBVA posted a net attributable profit of €1.65 billion in the first quarter of 2022 (+36.4 percent yoy at current exchange rates, +41 percent in constant euros), on the back of revenue growth, bolstered by solid activity (+10.6 percent), and improved risk indicators. Between January and March 2022, the Group reported its highest operating income and the highest recurring profit ever. Furthermore, it saw extraordinary progress in the execution of its strategy, with a record quarter in customer acquisition and sustainable financing. The efficiency ratio improved significantly, reaching 40.7 percent, and in terms of profitability, ROTE and ROE improved to 15.9 percent and 15.1 percent, respectively. BBVA maintains a solid capital position, with a fully-loaded CET1 ratio of 12.70 percent.

15 Nov 2021


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BBVA’s Board of Directors has agreed to launch a voluntary takeover bid for the 50.15 percent stake it does not own in Garanti BBVA, with a price of 12.20 Turkish lira per share. The bid will be carried out after BBVA receives all the necessary regulatory approvals. The transaction is positive for BBVA shareholders since it will propel the Group’s growth in one of its main markets, generating a high return on the investment, with a very limited impact on capital. The price offered represents a premium of 34 percent over the volume weighted average price of the past six months, which makes it very attractive for Garanti BBVA shareholders as well.

08 Jun 2021

BBVA and the majority of the labor union representatives (CC.OO., ACB and UGT) have reached an agreement on the adjustment plan in Spain, which involves redundancies of part of the workforce (a total of 2,935 people, about 10 percent of employees of the Group in Spain) through layoffs and voluntary terminations, and an outplacement program for 100 percent of the affected employees through Randstad. The agreement also includes the closing of 480 branches. The process has been characterized by a constructive dialogue between the parties to reach the best agreement for everyone.

01 Jun 2021

25 May 2021

BBVA USA today announced the opening of 11 new branches across five Texas markets, marking a major milestone in an endeavor first announced in June 2020.

The branches, opened in early May, feature updated branch models aligned with the bank’s vision of integrating both a digital and face-to-face branch banking experience for customers. The bank’s new set of branches can be found in the Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth and Dallas markets.

20 Apr 2021

Carlos Torres Vila, Group Chairman

  • Sustainability: Banks have a key role in “analyzing investment opportunities and managing the risks associated” to climate change
  • Sale of the U.S. subsidiary: “We have an extraordinary position of strength, which gives us tremendous strategic optionality to continue creating value for shareholders”
  • Dividend: “We propose to the AGM the approval of the agreements required to implement a share buyback plan of up to 10 percent of the Group’s shares once the sale of our U.S. subsidiary is closed”

Onur Genç, Chief executive officer

  • Digitization: “Our focus on creating end-to-end digital solutions and processes has been key to reaching new clients, which is one of our strategic priorities”
  • Capital: Following the sale of the U.S. subsidiary, BBVA will be “one of Europe’s best capitalized banks, with the largest margin between our capital position and the minimum requirement”
  • Team: “We continue fostering inclusion and diversity, because we are convinced that it makes us better, as a company and as a society”

12 Apr 2021

11 Mar 2021

16 Nov 2020

BBVA has agreed to sell to PNC its subsidiary in the U.S. for $11.6 billion (€9.7 billion¹) in cash, an amount that represents 19.7 times the unit’s 2019 earnings², and that is almost 50% of BBVA’s current market capitalization, creating significant value for shareholders. The transaction will have a positive impact on BBVA’s fully loaded CET1 ratio of c.300 basis points, or €8.5 billion of CET1 generation.

10 Nov 2020

BBVA USA, the U.S. subsidiary of Madrid-based BBVA, today announced it is offering a digital Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) through its website, powered by Prosper, a leading online marketplace for consumer loans. Prosper’s digital HELOC platform, which was developed to simplify the process of applying for and obtaining a HELOC, is now available to BBVA USA customers in select states via the BBVA-branded version of the platform.

21 Oct 2020

31 Aug 2020

18 Aug 2020

25 Mar 2020

17 Mar 2020

13 Mar 2020

Carlos Torres Vila, Group executive chairman

  • Excellent figures: “In 2019 BBVA posted its highest net attributable profit of the past decade without one-offs”
  • New strategic priorities: We want “to improve our clients’ financial health and help them transition toward a sustainable future”
  • Dividend: BBVA is proposing at the AGM a complementary gross cash dividend of €0.16 per share. The total dividend for the year stands at €0.26 per share, which reflects a 36 percent of attributable profit, excluding the impact of the goodwill adjustment in the U.S.

Onur Genç, Chief executive officer

  • Business model: “Once again, we have demonstrated the strength of our diversified model”
  • Profitability: “We are number one in terms of profitability,” among 15 largest European banks